A new dawn where your software eats the world.
Why rent when you can own your custom-built website in the cloud?
Your website will be performant, secure, mobile first, easy to operate, and cheap to run in any cloud, made possible by
Static Pages Generation
Headless CMS
API Extensibility
Content Distribution Network
Keep It Simple ;-)
If your website is slow, insecure, or not cloud ready, we can help you upgrade it to a NerdioShack too.
NERDIO® is here to help.
Solutions That Compute ™
NERDIO designs and implements software-based solutions that run in the cloud, from web presence to high-availability service. We can help you go serverless, or choose and configure virtual servers on major cloud computing platforms. We avoid reinventing the wheel, and look to scalable open-source software and publicly available APIs.
Our Services
Design and development of Internet-enabled services that our customers can maintain, or we can do it for them.
Software product development, project management, and system deployment.
Quality improvements consulting in software products and services.
Services and technology for cloud-based virtual patent marking. (Check it out.)
Development and protection of intellectual property related to information technology.**
"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place."